Part of the escrow arrangement is the deposit of the material. The escrow agreement specifies the material involved. This page gives you additional information about the process of filing and the requests we send you to check for new material.
As part of the Escrow Alliance questions service, we send you an email 4 times a year (or more if you like) asking you to indicate if you will be submitting new material.
You can choose from three options below:
The following information is requested when completing the EDF
After sending the EDF, you will receive the necessary information, if not already known, for the delivery of the materials based on your choice of delivery.
Upon receipt of the materials, Escrow Alliance performs a Technical Verification Service (TVS) Level 1 on the materials. After passing the TVS Level 1, the materials are duplicated, sealed in secure seal bags and stored in our vaults.
All parties receive a Verification Report or Verification Certificate of the TVS Level 1 performed. In addition, information regarding the deposit will be added to the This step completes the filing.
Find out about the possibilities, we are happy to think along with you.